You can learn many things from children. How much patience you have, for instance. ~Franklin P. Jones
Thursday afternoon around here is group time down at the Bundy Centre and i do the beading group with a bunch of kids, even though I am a mum myself I am constantly amazed by what some kids say and do!! Most of the kids that come to group all live around here and we all walk to and from school together so its easy to get to know alot of them, many of them come from very dysfunctional families and there are alot of behavioural problems at school. But Bundy is one place where i for one have noticed a definite change in some of these kids, its run by a couple of people ( one in particular a lady who i am sure is hidin her angel wings from us!!) from a an org. called Barnado's .
There is this one little boy who 's in my group who i have seen running totally amok at school but at beading group he is one the most courteous and helpful kids i have ever met!!!!
I was a bit nervous last week when he joined our group but i have to say he was the best kid out of them all!
Now that i think of it i will have to take some pics of what they are making and post them here!!
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